i Paint Art digital


by Sita Jagai

Be La Sonrisa - Arts  Yoga  Screenwriting

Sri Yantra Gallery

Sri Yantra Abundance - 01

Sri Yantra Love - 02

Sri Yantra Higher Vibration - 03

Sri Yantra Budding - 04

Sri Yantra  DeepNight - 05

Sri Yantra Coffee - 06

Sri Yantra BluePink - 07

Sri Yantra Plum - 08

Sri Yantra Magnetic - 09

Sri Yantra Eye Of The Storm - 10

Ready to Hang Sri Yantra 06 - Coffee. Glassless Frame, paper print with Gel finish, 19x19 inches.. Contact for pricing.

Sri Yantra is a mystical diagram and the oldest of all sacred diagrams (such as Mandalas, which means a disk).

Its complexity and sacred geometry have lead scientists to prove through EEE technology that Sri Yantra geometry quickly brings viewers to a meditative state (Source: Biology Faculty of Moscow University, October 30, 1987.)

You may google about Sri Yantra. You may also read on the sudden appearance of the Sri Yantra in 1990 on the dried lake bed of Oregon. A complete location and detail can be read here, https://www.booksfact.com/mysteries/sri-yantra-chakra-in-alvord-desert-oregon.html 

And here, http://www.oregondesertmystery.com/ Those who claimed to be responsible for its creation on the harsh dried ground were given a time frame to proof their creativity, yet theirs weren’t as perfect and complete, but carved unevenly, imperfect and unfinished.

While working on Sri Yantra art for the past 3 years, dreams and visions lead to the  outcome of Sri Yantra with Turtle Sri Chakra. The last touch was the initiation given in a dream, and I added it onto a transparent layer. 

The red dot inside the inner triangle represents the Unified Field, the Heart Center/ Heart Chakra. The Heart Center is already known to be the most powerful magnetic field  -  Research of some 30 years by HeartMath.org / Gregg Braden and other scientists

By focusing on this center or dot during meditation, one is takes to the next level. 

The sound of Sri Yantra is the basic universal sound Aum.

Relax or meditate with Sri Yantra with music or in silence. You may watch my YouTube video with images of my Sri Yantra art pieces in my guided meditation called: Heart Meditation – Pure Love by Sita Jagai at https://youtu.be/ttdfEK68dTw

Sri Yantra is placed against the North, North-East, or East wall. Its Presence transforms the viewer. One may experience calmness, joy, peace, abundance, and deep relaxation. Lines are purposely left out from connecting each triangle in my turtle Sri Chakra. One can easily achieve this stunning, colorful experience during deep state of meditation.  

Copyright © 2021 Sita K Jagai,. All rights reserved. All Art Material on this site  is registered and protected by Copyright Law at https://eco.copyright.gov/