i Paint Art digital

by Sita Jagai

Be La Sonrisa - Arts Yoga Screenwriting

About The Artist

I am a Yoga Meditation Teacher, Artist, Photographer, and Screen Writer and have recently moved to New Orleans, LA.

I graduated from Saint Peter's University, New Jersey and have been drawing since childhood. I started painting digitally since 2017 on the iPad with Procreate and recently use Corel Painter 2021.

Once in my drawing class, after my teacher, Father Oscar Magnan stationed a male model on the center floor, he pulled me aside and asked what my Indian parents would say about this indecent exposure. I looked at the Adonis and giggled with my artistic eyes, saying "but father... well, they won't know." He walked over moments later and said, "how would they not since you always strike magnificently. Ah look at those hips and chest!" Indeed. And because of this gift I enjoy drawing.

As a digital artist, I use different Painting brushes, soft and oil pastels as well as crayons and water colors from the Brush Selection tool. I painted the ancient Shri Yantra, Lalita Devya, and the mythical Swans using soft and oil brushes as well pastels. RED the Elephant, I used the turpentine brush with the soft brush. Gori the beach girl, I used pastel, pencil, and other brushes. The Solar System I used old brush combined with other brushes. Solitude, I drew with pencil.

Most of my contemporary with classic and antique style of work captures an Indian tail and humor:

The Sri Yantra is the oldest sacred geometry - a mandala ( or disk). It attracts the viewer into a meditative state. It is a majestic Yantra for Abundance, Auspiciousness, Peace, Prosperity, Bliss, etc.

The Solar System, the Cosmic Playground of the Navagraha, who are the 9 celestial body planets hovering above Earth's cosmic waves. You may read about the Navagraha here.

The mythical Swans wade on a mystical night on the lake of Manasarovar, sprawling just below Mount Kailash, or I would say, sacred snow filled Pyramid Kailash.

Solitude I pencil drew it during a year living and practicing at Morning Star Zendo.

Lalita devya I began 3 years ago. At the age of sixteen, Lalita is playful and vibrating in ultimate bliss. Especially just before the transition of the moon waxing to waning, that short period lived, humans may experience this Cosmic thrill along with nature, insects, and the animals as they are drawn to the light of Bliss. Lalita, the playful Goddess comes in two sets, one behind the moon waning and the other during moon waxing.

RED, the Fire Yogi with his gorgeous tusk, blue eyes, and vibrant background, overcomes all obstacles.

Originally from Suriname, an Ethnic Indian, I bring to my work a global sensibility, the vision of someone who came from the Amazon and moved to the first world. My experience brings the outsider’s perspective to life in the United States, a perspective flavored by the exotic world I come from. This is the classic American experience: the multiple layers of vision produced by a traveler’s life. This is the unique voice I express in my work – a voice that expresses the richness of my own culture, ethnicity, and experiences, which resonates with the experience of so many other Americans and art lovers around the world.

Sita Jagai