i Paint Art digital

by Sita Jagai

Be La Sonrisa - Arts Yoga Screenwriting

Solar System Gallery

Cosmic Playground of the Navagraha in our Solar System

Puzzle Pieces of Cosmic Playground.

The Navagraha are the Nine Sacred Planets in our Solar System.

They are the 9 Celestial Bodies in Vedic Astronomy who cause Time changes on Earth by moving from one occupying House into the next, also causing shapes in the Sacred Geometry to move on planes and dimensions of other realms.

The 9 Celestial Bodies are:

Surya – Sun

Chandra – Moon

Mangala or Bhauma – Mars (the designer of the 12 Karmic Houses, thus the instigator of the Matrix system)

Budha – Mercury (Intelligence. He is not the Buddha Shakyamuni )

Gurudeva or Brihaspati – Jupiter (Guru of the Semi Gods such as Indra, Agni, Vayu, Varuna, Akasha. They are the Elements and Indra is the ruler of the Elements such as, Fire (Agni, Air(Vayu), Water (Varuna), Space/ Aether(Akasha).

Shukra or Shukracharya – Venus (Guru of the Asuras/Demons – one of the toughest position to hold. Some famous Asuras are Mahishasura , Ravana, Rahu, etc.)

Shani – Saturn (Judge, Deeds and Karma, as well the protector of the Elderly)

And the 8th being Rahu whose head was chopped off by the Sudarshana Chakra , thus his lower dragon part, Ketu became the 9th celestial body.

Rahu & Ketu are the North and South lunar Nodes of the Moon and the cause of Eclipses.

Here is a page dedicated to the Vedic mantras of the Navagraha.

My experiences painting Cosmic Playground

During painting along the summit of the mountain, a late night dream sparked white, silver Lights along its coast. Once awaken, the memory is still stunning and amazing.

From June 21 2020, I whispered a 40 days Initiation Beej / Seed Vedic mantra to each Celestial Body along with Sri Yantra's Aum mantra. Gayatri Mantra awoken along, leading to elevation from Bhumi (Earth) to Akasha (Space).

In May when I placed the last brush stroke on Venus, there was an exclamation, "Venus is Lighten!"

The last planet to get a redo was Jupiter. It was a great challenge until I added some if its Moons - my favorite being Europa, I made sure to not overshadow the heavenly Playground) . From then on, all moved forward.

Gazing at Cosmic Playground can be Intoxicating.

The web's thumbnails and low dpi is very limited compared to the original piece on my iPad screen. I tried to give you the original view through my Puzzle Pieces, yet once an image gets uploaded to the web, the dpi is automatically reduced since it can't handle large file sizes .

My favorite time working on Cosmic Playground was very early mornings, this is when all goes perfect with Divine Mother's Presence and Blessings.

Thank you to everyone for your amazing feedback and support.

Copyright © 2021 Sita K Jagai,. All rights reserved. All Art Material on this site is registered and protected by Copyright Law at https://eco.copyright.gov/